Thursday, January 29, 2015

post # 9 No More Running

post # 9
No More Running

Alberto was very scared, but he was also pissed off because not only had Layla shown him off, but she was also making him run. Alberto did not like to run, and he did not like to run fast, and he now especially did not like running from something. He was in the back of the pack, lingering more than what would still be considered a part of the pack.

“Shit, shit , shit,” Alberto huffed. The guy from the store, although being another fluffy man and having shorter legs, was catching up to him. He could hear his advancement by the familiar buzzing sound that Alberto recognized as a certain kind of taser. The guy had a taser and was old and was still chasing him - es loco!  

“Shit, shit , shit...fu-ck yo-u Layla.”

And then he gave up, “Fu-ck dis!”

Q#1: Do you like to run?

Q#2: Does giving up make you weak?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

post # 8 Another Dream

Another Dream

“Then take it!”
“But you got to take it first though!” Layla took the Frosted Flakes and marched towards the end of the aisle. She held the cereal box with both hands to mockingly frame it for Alberto.

Tito was behind the desk watching with his ears while staring at a tv camera. His forefinger tapped impatiently on the surface of the desk - anxious to move. His Speedy Senses were tingling, something was about to happen.

He lunged forward swinging his legs out and over the desk. Naturally of course, they always run. And yet perversely he always ran faster. But they could fly, and alas he could not, so he couldn’t have caught them as quickly as he could if they were on foot. This qualified them as cheaters, but that’s to be expected of young criminals.

Once Viento caught up to them, there was no telling what he would do to them for their horrendous criminal actions.

And so he caught up to them. No mercy to the merciless! Viento jabbed them with lightning strikes. He was so fast that the witnesses could not even see him. He was so fast that the delinquents only saw the lightning flash rapidly around them. In response they had the chance to blink once in horror.

Viento zoomed back several paces in order to laugh at their pain. The delinquents were shocked. Once the pain processed, they disjointedly let out yelping and gasping reactions. Still, they turned around and kept moving.
Viento laughed heartily and didn't even realize that he forgot the cereal.

Q#1: Is Tito messed up in the head, or is Viento? Explain your reasoning.

post # 7 Running


“Hey!” A loud voice boomed. Everyone heard this like gun shots in the air. The herd of young people stampeded out the place when they saw the clerk lunge from behind the counter.

Outside the weather was still as pleasant as it was twenty minutes ago. There were casual night breezes, people laughing jolly in the streets, the lights were on and faint music could be heard blasting from a far away car. Layla ran down Happiness with the two cereal boxes tucked under either arms. Adrenaline flowed through her system cracking a smile across her typically rigid scowl. She stopped at the end of the block where she let herself pant till her cool returned. Two smokers witnessed her private moment of serenity. She looked in their direction, in which they self-consciously finished observing her and thus proceeded to comment between each other. Layla heard a stampede coming in her direction. She of course already knew the animals who were coming, so she took her time turning around.

“LAYLA-AHHHHH! RUN!” And so she ran.

Q#1: Does this sound nice?

Q#2: Would you be happy too?

post # 6 Running from Tito Ortiz

Running from Tito Ortiz

Tito was about five foot five, in the past he has been praised for his blurred five mile dash back when he was in his high school's track team. Now he was in his early thirties, he had no lady, no kids, just a basic job with basic pay.

Sometimes he felt depressed for his life's turn out, but other times he felt enraged for life turning on him. He had won scholarships for his gifted yellow latin legs, but yet here he was handing out cigarettes and watching TV - all day, every day. Sometimes he simply could not believe himself.
He used to dream about his life - what was real and what was supposed to be real. Now all poor old Tito dreams about is being the Flash of his generation. In his head he calls himself Viento because he's so fast that people would mistake him for a strong breeze and sometimes even hurricanes depending on where he was at.

Still though his alter ego Viento was only a figment of his imagination, created for his soul's petty survival. Tito would come up with the most preposterous stories where Viento was very extra incredibly awesome. So when shit actually got real, Viento was ready.

He knew for sure that she wanted the Frosted Flakes, but a good "store clerk" doesn't flinch.

Q#1: Who is Tito Ortiz?

Q#2: Who is Viento?

Thursday, December 18, 2014

post # 5 Squabbling

post # 5

Meanwhile, Layla and Alberto just got joined up by Soo-lang and her carry-ons. They were squabbling about balls - who had more, if any.

“Take the Honey Bunches!”
“I’ll take the Honey Bunches if you take the Frosted Flakes!”
“Then take it!”
“But you got to take it first though!”

Layla took the Frosted Flakes and marched towards the end of the aisle. She held the cereal box with both hands to mockingly frame it for Alberto. In slow motion, Alberto puckered his lips to the sky, and while still watching Layla he took the Honey Bunches. He swaggered over closer to where Layla was with the cereal box held in a firm grasp.

Mickey sprang up laughing so hard that it lured the others to come see what was going on. Alberto and Layla’s quarrels were the most adored attraction in their group.

“Bet that you can’t leave with it,” threatened Layla.
“I’m not going to steal a box of cereal. What the hell, that’s dumb!” He put the box on some shelf and seeing that everyone seemed ready to go, he headed towards the exit.

Where now at this moment, Layla felt the need to prove her point - that she had more balls than anyone else (especially Alberto). So she not only held onto the Frosted Flakes, but she also snatched the Honey Bunches, before proudly stepping out of the Ortiz Market.

Q#1: Why do you suppose that Layla and Alberto have thsi type of relationship?

Q#2: And what do you expect from them as the story goes on?

post # 4 The Ortiz Market

post # 4
The Ortiz Market

They entered in twos and then scattered all over the room like drifting marbles. There were some who knew what they wanted, like Layla and Alberto who headed straight toward the drinks section to fight over the last watermelon flavored Arizona. Meanwhile the others drifted around searching for something to catch their eye, and then their stomachs. Chichi took two bags of chips and a Snickers, while Santi chose a beef patty for himself and two Sprite bottles that he chose for him and his sister. Lucas asked for some juice to go with a beef patty and a ham and cheese pastelito. Soo-Lang took three bags of chips, a can of Campbell's chicken noodle soup, and a bottle of apple juice.

"Are those good?" She pointed at Lucas's bagged pastelito.
"Which one? The beef patty or the pastelito?"
"Both," she said. Lucas looked at her face to be polite, but recalled the brittle figure that held that head up. Her appetite did not reflect her appearance. In fact, it was identical to Alberto's.

"There some things we notice and then forget. As a result we get left behind."

Soo-Lang sniffled softly before quietly requesting one of each as well. Lucas walked off to find Chichi. She was with Santi by the drinks section. Lucas said,
"Get me a juice lil bro," and Santi knew exactly which one he meant. Mickey suddenly appeared on Santi’s right. With the most exasperated facial expression, he slipped his hand over and around the lifted glass lever to grab hold of a coke. Santi and the others watched him pull the coke out ever so sheepishly. Their eyes intently followed Mickey as he hopped back into the hole he came out of. Mickey has always been a very sketchy individual.

Q#1: What may the quote, "There some things we notice and then forget. As a result we get left behind." refer to?
Q#2: Do you get this quote? If you do, the how do you identify with it?
Q#3: Do you not?

Q#4: Do you have another question?

Monday, December 15, 2014

post # 3 Deliberation

post # 3

“Where are we going?” asked Lucas.
“Why don't we go to McDonald's?” suggested Layla.
“No,” chirped Alberto. Mickey looked his way and laughed.
“NO!” groaned Chichi, “Their food is full of chemicals! They use GM ingredients, and its just disgusting. No.” Chichi eyed Layla and Layla eyed Alberto, and Alberto looked Layla in the eyes and then unspokenly judged her from her toes up. Mickey thought that this was funny.

There was an awkward silence.

Layla rolled her eyes, and with her arms folded she leaned on one side, “So then where we going?”
“Let’s get some pizza,” purposed Lucas.
“NOOOO,” said Layla, “I hate cheese”

What followed was an eruption of opinions, positions and rejections about all the different foods and the different places to eat the foods and then also the varying prices. They were all just being really loud.

“OH my gosh!” began Chichi. She directed her attention towards the only person who was known to listen, “Soo-lang you pick!” A sudden silence blanketed the group as they awaited her thought. She assessed everyone staring at her and then looked down grinning sheepishly.
“Aye. Chi? Does she speak English?” asked Alberto.  
“Yeah...of course!” Chichi stepped toward Soo-lang, “Right? You do Soo-lang, right? Are you okay?”
“Yes,” she peeped.
“I’m hungry,” groaned Layla.
“Me too,” said Lucas. They had just reached the Ortiz Market, which was at the corner of Happy and Healthiness. The store had blaring lights that announced the readiness of cheap merchandise... and cheap foods.

“Why don’t we just go to the corner store?” purposed Santi. Everyone agreed and so they all went in.

Q#1: Does anything here sound familiar?
Q#2: Do you have a question?